We are thrilled to announce the next evolution of our business, the new and improved JDH Decks & Fences website, live now! Check out the clean, attractive design and the updated information and blog we have created for you. Take some time to explore our site and find some brand new images and an all-around better user experience!

Why The Change?

In a world where we’re striving for upward growth, our company and team strive to be a part of bringing better service and connections with our clients. We may have had a site that worked okay for us in the past, but with our own positive changes we are moving to the next level and our website had to come along with us!


One of the most important things we can do is strive to be the best and reach a bigger segment of our market. We want our friends and customers, whether homeowners or business owners, to be able to come to our website and find everything they need in ONE place, with easy to navigate visual menus and eye-catching graphics.


I think we can safely say… we’re positioned right where we want to be!

How’d We Do It? 

JDH Decks & Fences is a company of professionals who are your local authority on decks and fences and great, friendly customer service. What we don’t know without a bit of help is how to build a beautiful, high-functioning website with all the bells and whistles to reach and serve more people in our local market. That’s where the professional design team at DotCom Global Media came to the rescue!


Not only is DotCom a reputable and experienced digital marketing agency specializing in driving traffic and boosting google rankings, but they also have a next-level edge when it comes to fencing. The DotCom team has a deep understanding of the fencing industry, specializing in building relationships and connections with fence associations, contractors and other fencing services over the years. As soon as we learned of the work they do driving traffic with high-quality, professional, effective design, we knew they were just the partners we needed!


As we strive to be the best fencing company in the Savannah, Georgia area, we want to work with the best digital marketing company, the pros at DotCom Global Media.


Great Benefits for YOU!

As a homeowner or business owner in need of decking or fencing services, our improved site is a ONE-STOP-SHOP for many resources that can benefit you, whether you currently need our services or products, or even if you’re planning to in the future.

Here are some quick links you can explore to get you where you need to go right away!


For all of these topics and much more, explore the JDH Decks & Fences, Inc. website and see how we can help you get what you need. Our friendly, professional staff are here in the office to answer your call, too! Reach out during our office hours at (912) 748-1907 or send a message online anytime. Come experience the JDH difference for yourself!